Thursday, February 28, 2008

Famuuuu, Famuuuu, Fam-got-damn-uu, Alright Alright Alright!!!!

I know I haven't posted a good 'ol blog in a while but there is a very good reason.......COLLEGE SUCKS BIG HAIRY ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why I hate College:
-The Dummy Factory (also known as the Financial Aid office)
-The Shitdexo (The campus caf food provided by Sodexho Food Services)
-Mr./Mrs. I know Alot But I don't Teach (Professors)
-Fuck Aid Foolish Stupid Asses (Fafsa)
-Ms. I Will Walk Around This Hilly Ass Campus All Day With Stilletos And Look At You Stupid (Females)
-Mr. I will Fuck You If You Have A Pretty Face And A Cat...My Bad, Just A Cat
-The We Are Sophisticated and Intellegent Niggas Who Won't Think Twice About Running A Train On Your Drunk Ass Brotherhood(Fraternities)
-The We Too Damn Worried About What The Other Bitch Is Doin To Give A Shit About Sisterhood Sisterhood(Sororities)
-Not Having a car
-Not having any money
-Famu's abundant Financial Problem's
-The fact that Famu is cutting 90% of it's summer courses
-The fact that all my books and supplies for class equal up to over $600 dollars
-The fact that we can only use oure flex bucks in the crappy places on campus while FSU can use theirs damn near eveywhere
~Mold in the A/C...No Hot Water...No Tissue...Broken Windows...Crazy RD...No Cable (wich we are paying for)...Bugs...Outrages fines for dumb shit...Dumbass room inspections...non co-ed...WRON WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!!!!!!

WHEEW!!!! Okay ladies and gentlemen that felt good to get out.....Soooooo I don't really hate college but it aint cherry blossoms right now ya feel me. Sometimes a girl just needs some TLC from here school. Just a little bit.

Setting This Establishment On Fire,
Tay Lin