Monday, March 3, 2008

March Madness

I'm sitting in the library waiting for this hour to zoom by so I can sprint (well, really just walk at a fast pace.) to the caf and hastily devour whatever crappy food they have to offer. As my stomach growles I thought back to my thoughts when I woke up this morning. It is March I have barely a month and a half left of my firt year in college. Socially it was everything I hoped for but academically and financially mysel;f and the school could have done alot better. I know next year I will do alot better but, sometimes I think to myself do I want a next year, in Tallahassee. Now don't get me wrong, I love FAMU the people I have met and the experiences I've had I will never forget. Sometimes I just wanna to go to a culinary arts school and open a restaurant. I think that it's probably just a scapegoat because I know right now that would be alot easier (and cheaper) to do. Eventhough I pretty much know I'm never going to actually do that. It would kinda be nice (and cheaper).
My last blog was just a culmination of frustrations and a exxageration of a couple of things but is the frustration really worth it? Who know's? I know alot of this is PMS talking so plz don't leave comments about how I should follow my dream of being a chef lol. Because I'd really rather be a marine biologist. But I'm starting to think that would be a big hill to FAMU.

Contemplating Carefully,
Tay Lin


Angie said...

It's gonna get better baby. I'm sure of it. Complete your next year of college for me, before you give up and go to cookery college. You don't have to stay at FAMU but you have to go to some U somewhere. I love you and I've got your back. : )

Tay Lin said...

thnx wundaful ladie =0)